Category: Natural Remedies

Homeopathic Immunization Schedule
As more and more parents are opting out of conventional immunizations because of the increased risk of an adverse reaction and the large number administered, having a viable and effective alternative is better than not immunizing at all. This schedule lists all of the available homeopathic nosodes but not all are administered. Parents wishing homeopathic immunizations are given a reading list prior to starting the program so that they can make an informed decision. Immunizations by this method may also be done with children who have already received some conventional vaccines.

Hydrotherapy Treatments
One of the principals of naturopathic medicine is that proper circulation to internal organs and tissues is a necessity for pain relief, optimal metabolic function, repair of damaged or infected tissue and for general well being. There are many ways to improve circulation and hydrotherapy, the use of alternating hot and cold water, is one of the oldest.

Introducing Solid Foods
Infants derive their immunity and develop their own immune systems when they are breastfed. It is recommended that breast-feeding continue for up to a year for this transition to occur. As the child’s gastrointestinal system develops during this period as well, introducing solid foods in order of increasing complexity is essential for the development of their immune systems. This handout is a schedule of what foods to introduce when to facilitate proper development of the child’s immune system.

Cell Salts
Cell salts are based upon the work of W. H. Schuessler (1821-1896), a German homeopathic physician who founded the Biochemic system, which he outlined in his Twelve Tissue Remedies. The premise of cell salts according to Schussler is that they are essential to development and functioning of a healthy body.
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