Month: November 2019

vaccine vile punctured with needle

Homeopathic Immunization Schedule 2019

The following list of available homeopathic nosodes for use is much larger than what is actually administered to your child. Those recommended are marked with an asterisk (*).
NIH Research Center building

NIH Uses Taxpayer Funding to Keep Vaccine Makers Profitable

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is a federally funded government agency whose mission “is to seek knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems and the application of that knowledge to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce illness and disability.”
Homeopathy bottles

Homeopathic Vaccination & Prophylaxis

Homeopathic medicines have a safe and effective track record for protection from communicable diseases and epidemics and are used world wide. This article by Dr. Kruzel presents the science behind how homeopathic vaccinations work to enhance ones immune system and convey life long immunity.