Author: Thomas Kruzel

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Why doesn’t my insurance company cover alternative medicine therapies? Wouldn’t they save a lot of money?

Alternative practitioners have for decades touted the cost effectiveness of naturopathic medicine and alternative therapies but it has only been recently that research has borne this out. It seems logical to many that if insurance companies covered alternative therapies, that in the long run they would make more money.
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Can Medical Research be Trusted?

Most medical therapies are predicated upon “evidenced based” research, particularly in the allopathic profession, where studies are used to justify therapeutic protocols. A prime example of this is statin therapy for high cholesterol where studies over the years have lead to increasingly stringent (narrower) guidelines for their use, resulting in more and more prescriptions.
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Safe and Effective Vaccinations

Safe & Effective Vaccinations – This article by Dr Kruzel discusses the safety and effectiveness of homeopathic nosodes to help children develop immunity against infectious diseases.
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Allergies of the Genital Urinary Tract

Allergies of the Genital Urinary tract is an often under appreciated and diagnosed condition that can cause considerable discomfort. This article by Dr Kruzel discusses the causes, symptoms and defense mechanisms associated with GU allergic reactions.

Are Elders to Blame for the Health Care Crises?

The increasingly high costs of health care have some stakeholders pointing fingers at others as the reason for the high cost of medical care. The real reasons however may be the medical system itself as discussed in this article by Dr Kruzel.