The following list of available homeopathic nosodes for use is much larger than what is actually administered to your child. Those recommended are marked with an asterisk (*). Unlike the conventional medicine vaccines, reactions to homeopathic immunizations are rare. Often, if one occurs, it is because of an underlying familial miasm to which the person is reacting. If a reaction does occur, it is generally mild and lasts for a few days. Symptoms can be fever, fatigue, restlessness, irritability and mild skin rash. Occasionally the patient will develop mild flu-like symptoms for a few days. Convulsions, more commonly encountered with conventional vaccinations, are almost never seen. If a reaction does occur, your physician should be notified as additional prescriptions may be needed to complete the healing reaction.
Reactions to nosodes are considered to be good because it means that the person had a susceptibility or previous exposure to the disease that the corresponding nosode has now corrected. The next time the nosode is given, the person generally will not experience the same reaction.
Between dosing seasons, administering the appropriate nosode remedy immediately following exposure to the corresponding disease will often help to stop the development of the disease. As an example, if your child is exposed to measles or chicken pox, even though they have had the corresponding nosode administration, giving it again will act as a reminder to the immune system.
Disease | Immunization |
Anthrax | Anthrocyanum |
Botulism | Botulinum |
Chicken pox * | Varicella |
Cholera | Cholera nosode |
Cytomegalic virus | CMV nosode |
Dengue Fever | Dengue Fever nosode |
Diptheria * | Diptherinum |
Herpes Zoster | Herpes Zoster nosode |
Human Papilloma Virus | HPV nosode |
Influenza | Influenzinum |
Measles * | Morbillinum |
Meningitis | Meningiococcus |
Mumps * | Parotidinum |
Parainfluenza A & B | Parainfluenza A & B nosode |
Pertussis* | Pertussin |
Polio | Polio nosode/Lathyrus sativa |
Rubella * | Rubeola |
Tuberculosis | Tuberculinum |
Pneumonia | Pneumococcinum |
Rabies | Lyssin |
Roto Virus | Roto Virus nosode |
Small Pox | Variolinum |
Streptococcus | Streptococcinum |
Swine Flu | Swine Flu nosode |
Syphilis | Syphilinum |
Tetanus | Tetanus nosode/Ledum |
Typhoid Fever | Typhodinum |
Yellow Fever | Yellow Fever nosode |
The following list of available homeopathic nosodes for use is much larger than what is actually administered to your child. Those recommended are marked with an asterisk (*). Unlike the conventional medicine vaccines, reactions to homeopathic immunizations are rare. Often, if one occurs, it is because of an underlying familial miasm to which the person is reacting. If a reaction does occur, it is generally mild and lasts for a few days. Symptoms can be fever, fatigue, restlessness, irritability and mild skin rash. Occasionally the patient will develop mild flu-like symptoms for a few days. Convulsions, more commonly encountered with conventional vaccinations, are almost never seen. If a reaction does occur, your physician should be notified as additional prescriptions may be needed to complete the healing reaction.
Reactions to nosodes are considered to be good because it means that the person had a susceptibility or previous exposure to the disease that the corresponding nosode has now corrected. The next time the nosode is given, the person generally will not experience the same reaction.
Between dosing seasons, administering the appropriate nosode remedy immediately following exposure to the corresponding disease will often help to stop the development of the disease. As an example, if your child is exposed to measles or chicken pox, even though they have had the corresponding nosode administration, giving it again will act as a reminder to the immune system.